Coronavirus Pandemic | Top ten worst affected countries

Here is the data of worst affected countries by coronavirus(covid 19).

  • The list given below is according to the worldometer and updated on 25th April, 2020.
If we talk about the India's situation then it is far better than the top most developed countries of the world. India comes at the 16th position in the world. Just because of Indian government has taken decision very earlier.

Top ten worst affected countries are listed below:
1. USA- The USA is in top of the list. The first case of covid 19 had been seen in USA in the second half of January and now it has more than 9Lakh of cases. 
Total cases-925,038
Death-52, 185

2. Spain-Spain has 2nd highest number of cases in the world. 
Total cases-219,764
Recovered-92, 355
Death-22, 524

3.Italy-As we all know that the medical condition of this country is by far better than any other country in the world and in medical conditions it comes on the 2nd number in the world but covid 19 also made Italy to their knees. 
Total cases-192, 994
Recovered-60, 498
Death-25, 969

4. France-France comes on the fourth from the top of the list.
Total cases-159, 828
Recovered-43, 493
Death-22, 245

5. Germany-Total cases-154, 999
Recovered-106, 800
Death-5, 760

6.UK-If we talk about the present condition of United Kingdom than it has more than 1Lakh of patients.
Total cases-143, 464
Recovered-(Not given)
Death-19, 506

7.Turkey-Total cases-104, 912
                  Recovered-21, 737
                  Death-2, 600

8.Iran-Iran is the 2nd country after China where corona cases has noted firstly in the world.
Total cases-88, 194
Recovered-66, 599
Deaths-5, 574

9.China-So here comes the the country from where this pandemic had been started. The first case in China had  been noted in Dec., 2019. Covid 19 has been spreading from Wuhan(City of China). But if we look at the number of cases in China then we will be amazed because it is a type of full stop in number of cases that why the world is also looking after China in a doubtful way.
Total cases-82, 816
Recovered-77, 736
Death- 4,632

10.Russia-Russia is also not left behind in this race of coronavirus.
Total cases-68, 622
Recovered-5, 568
Death- 615
These are the top countries that are worst affected by covid 19.
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Click here for Comments
25 April 2020 at 09:24 ×

Very much informative

25 April 2020 at 10:13 ×

Deepak ,you did a very good job!As bloggers it is our resonsibilty to inform the public right at time about Covid-19 .And you did it!I too wrote 2 blogs about COVID-19 .


2)Corona a new lesson-------
Let us pray that this ends soon!

25 April 2020 at 10:46 ×

Very good attempt to make understand people about this pandemic

25 April 2020 at 11:04 ×

Thanks brother
Stay connected with us
I will read your blogs too

25 April 2020 at 11:07 ×

Thanks sir for your appreciation

Hermit Crab
25 April 2020 at 17:03 ×

This is indeed drafted nicely with good information on covid19.
